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samedi 22 juillet 2017

HOW TO Become Fitness Model fast

HOW TO become fitness model fast
Body Smasher aspires both men and women to get an attractive body and strength svelte, fit the length with a weight; either from the body attractive, it is the body that contains less fat ratio, and it appears from which the body beautiful and clear-cut divisions, and the proportion of fat in the body in a way ideal for men between 10% to 15%, while the percentage of fat in a woman's body, they are ideal whether ranging between 15% to 20%. The body is more attractive if the height suitable for weight, where human strength seems Mmhawka free from contouring; because of the enemies of the beauty and the enemies of elegance and idealism, they are excessive and extreme thinness obesity, and perhaps the simplest way in concert length with a weight calculation is 100 kg of height loss, for example, : if the length is approximately 170 cm, weight must be 70 kg, when the men, while in women, varies index decrease of 110 kg of length, for example: if women length of approximately 165 cm, must be weighing 55 kg , so be perfect. They are this simple indicator both of them proportionality should know to get the gravity between height and weight, and this measurement is different because of the structural differences of the body of both men and women, women with bones thinner and lighter ones at the man.
you should think carefully before you start such a move, they need to skin and patience, and most of this commitment to first class, so until you reach a satisfactory result.
Psychological conviction
Psychological conviction must be on yourself to be receptive you want to change for the better, so if you are thin or fat, you have to overcome the obstacle of dissatisfaction in achievement; for the body of an ideal, the overcame this obstacle has been reached is important, it is a lifestyle change , one of the main obstacles to be overcome with the development of life and the spirit of the technological age, and even your lifestyle from work or home life conditions; they make us more Kassala, less movement and effort, Fajtraa cars we have easy access roads, Fajtsr us walking and movement, a sport to strengthen muscles , very beneficial to the body and burn the accumulated fat, and took the tins manufactured more calories than leading to difficulty in obtaining a consistent body and tuck in the abdomen, Flo overcame a feeling of dissatisfaction has walked a quarter of the journey.
There are several exercises exercises are recommended to get an attractive body, and maintain the appearance and texture, and before you start to exercise exercises must follow several important things, namely: 
Be convinced that sport is the important factor in getting the lithe and attractive body.
 Making sport specific dates at certain hours of the morning. Exercise and Sport do lightly, stress and lack of restraint in the sport, it is important to start exercises rules are initially approves gradual including the ability of probability; so as not to strain the body, and feel tired, fatigue, and muscle exercise after exercise and Tdena. Before exercise must practice sports light, a warm-up exercises and heating for a period of not less than five minutes; so the body does not surprise and affect the heart. After exercise should be phased out completely as starting out; because it reduces the chance of occurrence of tension or contraction of the muscles. 
Before practice sports especially running, the body must get used to walking trot; so as not to affect the heart, joints strikes.
 Drink plenty of fluids; even compensate for the missing ones. Aerobic exercises are divided into exercises and muscle exercises, and flexibility exercises, and we'll talk about each one separately: 
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise helps in weight loss, consuming a large number of calories, and is working to strengthen muscles and increase the fitness and agility, and increase the efficiency of the heart, lungs, muscles, which is dependent on the withdrawal of a greater amount of air and rapid breathing, and exercise fast as much agrees endurance, do not exercise such exercises more slowly than necessary, so as not learned from burning calories, be more rapidly than necessary, so that the impact on health is not, and this exercise such as jogging, jumping, regular breathing through fixed-bike, which reduces hypertension blood, and the chances of heart attacks, swimming, brisk walking Kherolh, help these exercises-especially running and exercise Alagafz- in getting general fitness and attractive appearance.
Exercises muscle strengthening
Exercises muscle strengthening exercises to flatten abdominal: This exercise keeps abdomen taut, and prevent him from contouring, and also helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, as the belly stretched the mystery of the secrets of the body attractive. 
Exercises stand on the edge of foot: Exercise helps to stand on the edge of the feet in pulling muscles of the body, and prevent cellulite in the thighs, which is very beneficial for the spine and strengthen it. Exercises to strengthen the back muscles: helps to strengthen the back muscles, keeping the back of the convexity which limits its attractiveness. 
Exercises for sagging buttocks: The body is the secret of survival taut body attractive, and exercise tightens the buttocks contouring, and helps to get rid of the accumulation of fat is necessary.
Exercises flexibility exercise
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Exercises flexibility exercise for the center: keep this exercise tight shoulders is convex, and increase the beauty of the waist area. Train pulling the knees up: so this exercise keeps the taut torso, but softer knee movement. Exercises tendency for both sides: It is most prevalent among women, making the body more supple and attractive. Hand exercises pressure on the wall: help in pulling away and ease the movement of hands and strengthen muscles. All these exercises help in making the body more slender and attractive, and adhered to on a regular basis at least three times a week, earn you a guarantee of the survival of the body more attractive and fitness.
 Diet is not the exercise alone is sufficient to make the body a attractive and fitness more, but the sound basis of the health and beauty nutrition, and diversity in the selection of foods ensures the body all the necessary nutrients from protein, vitamin, carbohydrates, fast food lacking these nutrients The body attractor be: agility textures and the freshness of the skin, beautiful hands and nails clean, lies the beauty of healthy food, and take care of their ongoing, and maintain them, and until we get the gravity must follow the instructions important in nutrition, namely: preservation of eating fresh fruit, and diversify the vegetables of various green and authorities; to contain them vitamins, fiber and various minerals. 
Preservation of eating fish twice a week; the high proportion of protein and iodine, the lower the fat in it. Reduce the intake of meat; it contains saturated fat, which operates on the high proportion of cholesterol-, especially red meat, and white meat in birds, it is the lowest percentage of containing fat than its predecessor. 
Maintain a low-fat dairy intake; the high proportion of protein and various vitamins, particularly calcium. Reducing the intake of butter and jam; the high proportion of calories in, and that increase the proportion of fat. 
Avoid the use of drugs that work to inhibit appetite for the purpose of weight loss; because they operate on a drop in blood pressure, disturbances occur in the organs of the body.
WATCH THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE >how to become fitness model fast

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become a fitness model
become a fitness model

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